Dakhil GPA Calculator | Using Mark & Grade 2024

Last Updated:1 year ago

This is the Dakhil GPA calculator. By this calculator you calculate of dakhil exam total gpa using subject Grade. First of all you have to select subject grade then automatically will be show total gpa and Grade. Following given calculator and also grading system of dakhil madrasa board.

Note: For Dakhil exam you have to combine some subject like:

  • English 1st paper + English 2nd paper = English.
  • Bangla 1st paper + Bangla 2nd paper = Bangla.
  • Arabic 1st paper + Arabic 2nd paper = Arabic.
  • Quran + Hadis =  Quran Hadis.
Dakhil gpa Calculator
Optional Subject:
GPA: 0.00 Grade: F
Optional Subject:
GPA: 0.00 Grade: F

Grading system for Dakhil of Bangladesh 2024

Marks (%) Grade Point
Number (%) 80% - 100% Grade A+ Point 5.00
Number (%) 70% - 79% Grade A Point 4.00
Number (%) 60% - 69% Grade A- Point 3.50
Number (%) 50% - 59% Grade B Point 3.00
Number (%) 40% - 49% Grade C Point 2.00
Number (%) 33% - 39% Grade D Point 1.00
Number (%) 0% - 32% Grade F Point 0.00

This grading system you have applied in the Dakhil calculator. According to this Dakhil grading system, Grade A+ for 80% to 100% mark, that means GPA is 5.00.

Also, if you get 70% to 79% mark in the Dakhil exam, your Grade A that means gpa 4.00 point.

Similarly, if you get 60% to 69% mark in the Dakhil exam, your Grade A- that means gpa 3.50 point.

Also, if you get 50% to 59% mark in the Dakhil exam, your Grade B that means gpa 3.00 point.

Similarly, if you get 40% to 49% mark in the Dakhil exam, your Grade C that means gpa 2.00 point.

Also, if you get 33% to 39% mark in the Dakhil exam, your Grade D that means gpa 1.00 point.

And finally if a student get mark 0% to 32% in Dakhil Exam , then he will Failed. Because he will be get Grade F and Gpa 0.00.

Dakhil GPA Calculator 2023

if you want to calculate GPA of Dakhil Madrasa exam then you can use this calculator. Because this will be give you correct total GPA and grade. This calculator made for madrasa board. In this calculator have lots of features you can calculate Dakhil GPA by subject  mark and grade. Also have 4th subject, you can calculate GPA with 4th subject or without 4th subject. This is very easy and user friendly calculator. Because you have to give only subject grade and mark then automatically will be show total GPA and Grade. Following given step by step procedure how to use this calculator:

Using Marks:

if you want calculate GPA using mark then you have to give value like this following picture:

  • First of you have to give Subject Name (optional). Without subject name it will be calculate GPA.
  • Then you have to give exam got mark & and 3rd input have to give Subject Total Mark.

Using Grade:

if you want calculate GPA using Grade then you have to give value like this following picture:

  • First of you have to give Subject Name (optional). Without subject name it will be calculate GPA.
  • Then you have to select Grade.

If you want to add new subject then you have to click on add subject button.

If you want to remove subject then you have to click on X button.

We hope that you have calculated Dakhil total gpa and Grade by this calculator. Also you have known about Dakhil Grading system. If you like this calculator then share your other friend. Thanks you so much.
