HSC GPA Calculator of BD | Using Mark & Grade 2025
This is HSC GPA Calculator of BD. By this calculator you can calculate Total GPA and Grade using subject mark & grade without or with 4th subjects. This is very easy and user friendly because only you have to give value then automatically will be show total GPA & Grade.
Grading system for HSC of Bangladesh 2025
Marks (%) | Grade | Point |
Number (%) 80% - 100% | Grade A+ | Point 5.00 |
Number (%) 70% - 79% | Grade A | Point 4.00 |
Number (%) 60% - 69% | Grade A- | Point 3.50 |
Number (%) 50% - 59% | Grade B | Point 3.00 |
Number (%) 40% - 49% | Grade C | Point 2.00 |
Number (%) 33% - 39% | Grade D | Point 1.00 |
Number (%) 0% - 32% | Grade F | Point 0.00 |
This grading system you have applied in the HSC calculator. According to this HSC grading system, Grade A+ for 80% to 100% mark, that means GPA is 5.00.
Also, if you get 70% to 79% mark in the HSC exam, your Grade A that means gpa 4.00 point.
Similarly, if you get 60% to 69% mark in the HSC exam, your Grade A- that means gpa 3.50 point.
Also, if you get 50% to 59% mark in the HSC exam, your Grade B that means gpa 3.00 point.
Similarly, if you get 40% to 49% mark in the HSC exam, your Grade C that means gpa 2.00 point.
Also, if you get 33% to 39% mark in the HSC exam, your Grade D that means gpa 1.00 point.
And finally if a student get mark 0% to 32% in HSC Exam , then he will Failed. Because he will be get Grade F and Gpa 0.00.
How to Use:
You can calculate HSC total GPA using Mark & Grade. Following Given how to use this calculator.
Using Subject Grade:
- First of all you have to give Subject name. This is optional. You can give or not give. Dose not matter. without subject value it will be work.
- Then you have to select Grade of every subject then automatically will be show your total GPA.
- And Finally you have to select optional subject grade. then will be add optional subject grade. if you want to calculate gpa without 4th subject then do not need select optional subject grade.
Using Subject Mark:
If you want to calculate HSC GPA using subject mark then you have follow following step:
- Subject name value this is optional.
- Then you have to give every subject exam mark and total subject mark. then automatically will be show every subject gpa and total exam GPA.
- If you want to calculate gpa with 4th subject then you have to give mark of optional subject. Otherwise do not need.
Two feature have common one is add subject button. By this button you can add subject
2nd is remove button by this button you can remove subject.
Subject list of HSC Exam:
- Bangla 1st paper – 101
- Bangla 2nd Paper - 102
- English 1st paper – 107
- English 2nd paper – 108
- Information & Communication Technology – 275
- Physics – 174
- Chemistry – 176
- Biology – 178
- Higher Math – 265
- Statistics
- Finance, Banking, and Insurance – 292
- Business organization and management – 277
- Accounting – 253
- Production Management and Marketing – 286
- Economics -109
- Psychology –
- logic – 121
- Sociology – 117
- Social Work – 271
- Geography – 125
- Agricultural Education – 239
- Higher Math – 265
- Biology – 178
- Studies of Islam – 249
- Home Science – 273
We hope that you can calculate HSC total GPA using Grade & Mark by this calculator. If you like our calculator then will be come again in our website & also share this calculator. Thanks for using HSC GPA Calculator.