SSC GPA Calculator of BD | Using Mark & Grade 2024

Last Updated:1 year ago

This is the SSC GPA Calculator of BD. You can calculate exam GPA with or without 4th subject using subject marks & grade by this calculator. This is very simple and user friendly. Because in this calculator do not have any mathematical issues you have to give only SSC exam mark and grade of every subject then automatically will be show every subject grade and total GPA and grade of SSC exam. Below we have given grading system for SSC exam and few necessary information:

SSC gpa Calculator
Optional Subject:
GPA: 0.00 Grade: F
Optional Subject:
GPA: 0.00 Grade: F

Grading system for SSC of Bangladesh 2024

Marks (%) Grade Point
Number (%) 80% - 100% Grade A+ Point 5.00
Number (%) 70% - 79% Grade A Point 4.00
Number (%) 60% - 69% Grade A- Point 3.50
Number (%) 50% - 59% Grade B Point 3.00
Number (%) 40% - 49% Grade C Point 2.00
Number (%) 33% - 39% Grade D Point 1.00
Number (%) 0% - 32% Grade F Point 0.00

This grading system you have applied in the SSC calculator. According to this SSC grading system, Grade A+ for 80% to 100% mark, that means GPA is 5.00.

Also, if you get 70% to 79% mark in the SSC exam, your Grade A that means gpa 4.00 point.

Similarly, if you get 60% to 69% mark in the SSC exam, your Grade A- that means gpa 3.50 point.

Also, if you get 50% to 59% mark in the SSC exam, your Grade B that means gpa 3.00 point.

Similarly, if you get 40% to 49% mark in the SSC exam, your Grade C that means gpa 2.00 point.

Also, if you get 33% to 39% mark in the SSC exam, your Grade D that means gpa 1.00 point.

And finally if a student get mark 0% to 32% in SSC Exam , then he will Failed. Because he will be get Grade F and Gpa 0.00.

Calculate More: HSC GPA Calculator

How to Use:

Using Marks:

In this calculator have total 3 input first one is subject input, 2nd one exam mark of subject and final one total mark of subject. But subject input is optional. Other 2 input compulsory. Without this 2 input do not give output. And other part is optional subject. It will be calculate GPA without this optional subject part. But when give optional value in this calculator this time will be add 3 point with total GPA.

Calculation with subject Marks:

Now we will talk about what is process of calculation. Following given all rules :

Suppose there is a total of 10 subjects, then the calculation process will be: 9 Subject Compulsory + 1 Optional Subject = 10 Subject.

First of all, this calculator will be calculate every subject gpa by subject mark like: (subject exam mark/total subject mark)*100; Example: (80/100)*100 = 80%  that's means in this subject got GPA 5.00 (A+) for SSC Grading system.

Then will be sum 9 Subjects GPA and add optional points in sum with minus two from optional GPA Like:(5-2 = 3)For example: (5*8 + 4)=44; 44 + 3 = 47. Now Divide the Total points by 9 subjects like: 47/9 = 5. you have to take only 5 because maximum gpa is 5.00.

Using Grade:

In this calculator have 2 input first one subject name and 2nd one subject grade. But subject name input is optional and subject grade compulsory. Without subject grade input do not give output. And other part is optional subject. It will be calculate gpa without this optional subject part. But when select optional grade in this calculator this time will be add 3 point with total GPA.

Calculation with subject Grade:

Now we will talk about what is process of SSC Total GPA and Grade calculation. Following given calculation rules :

Suppose there is a total of 10 subjects, then the calculation process will be: 9 Subject Compulsory + 1 Optional Subject = 10 Subject.

Then will be sum 9 Subjects GPA and add optional points in sum with minus two from optional GPA Like:(5-2 = 3)For example: (5*7 + 2*4)=43; 43 + 3 = 45. Now Divide the Total points by 9 subjects like: 46/9 = 5. you have to take only 5 because maximum GPA is 5.00.

When click on add subject button this time will be add one subject.

When you will click on this close button this time will be removed one subject.

SSC Subject List in Bangladesh 2023

Following we have given all subject list with 4th or optional subject and some mandatory subject:

  1. Bangla 1st Paper
  2. Bangla 2nd Paper
  3. English 1st Paper
  4. English 2nd Paper
  5. Math
  6. Religion
  7. ICT
  8. Physics
  9. Chemistry
  10. Biology
  11. Higher Math
  12. Accounting
  13. Finance
  14. Business Entrepreneurship
  15. Agricultural Studies
  16. General Science
  17. Bangladesh and Global Studies


We hope that, you can calculate your SSC GPA & Grade by this SSC calculator. And you have known about SSC Grading system. Also we very hoping that this calculator helpful for you. Thanks for using our calculator.
